Finding Value in Asia: Discovering Tech Innovators in an Exponential World | Webinar Invite To BrightTALK Investing in Asia Summit 2018 (12 July 2018)

Finding Value in Asia: Discovering Tech Innovators in an Exponential World | Webinar Invite To BrightTALK Investing in Asia Summit 2018 (12 July 2018)

We like to invite lifelong learners in value investing and business model innovations to the BrightTALK webinar Investing in Asia Summit 2018 | Finding Value in Asia: Discovering Tech Innovators in an Exponential World on 12 July 2018 (Thursday) at 9am UK time (10am Swiss time or 4pm Singapore time). There will be a live Q&A session at the end of the webinar, please feel free to ask any tough questions which we will do our best to address them. We look forward to learn from your great questions and to open up a meaningful conversation with you to explore the journey together. We hope to build a warm community of resilience, learning and exponential growth where entrepreneurs and investors support and encourage one another to navigate and thrive in this challenging world and we are grateful to have your support. Thank you so much!

Can the megacap tech elephants still dance? Or is this the better question: Is there an alternative and better way to capture long-term investment returns created by disruptive forces and innovation without chasing the highly popular megacap tech stocks, or fall for the “Next-Big-Thing” trap in overpaying for “growth”, or invest in the fads, me-too imitators, or even in seemingly cutting-edge technologies without the ability to monetize and generate recurring revenue with a sustainable and scalable business model? How can we distinguish between the true innovators and the swarming imitators?

We see a distinct value opportunity in an exclusive group of under-the-radar Asian SMID-cap tech stocks who are exceptional market leaders in their respective fields with unique scalable business models run by high-integrity, honorable and far-sighted entrepreneurs with a higher purpose in solving high-value problems for their customers and society whom we call H.E.R.O. – “Honorable. Exponential. Resilient. Organization.”.

  • Investing in exponential innovators = The most relevant language in value investing?
  • Why are these exponential & exceptional innovators overlooked and mispriced winners and the most relevant multi-year investment trend and opportunity?
  • The analytical framework to identify under-the-radar winners, including rejuvenating the defensive economic “moat” analysis by complementing with the more offensive “catapult” analysis, using this new lens to view the value creation process afresh and continually discover innovators creating, enabling and capturing new demand with exponential non-linear growth potential.
  • Remaining skeptical and grounded in the Asian capital jungles and avoiding the investing pitfalls and traps of Asian-style accounting fraud and misgovernance which western-based fraud detection tools and techniques have not been adequately adapted to the Asian context.
  • Selected case studies.

Warm regards,
KB | | WhatsApp +65 9695 1860